Wednesday 2 May 2012

Information for my RVL customer

I recently spoke to a friend who wanted to try MonaVie RVL
Here was my response to him about getting started with this amazing weight management system.

Richard wanted to get his six pack back

 Subject: re RVL weight management system AKA get the 6 pack back

Hello Richard,

Thanks for contacting me.

I Hope you are well.

I wanted to share with you our system and how this really works compared to dieting or meal replacement.

Here's a link

You'll be eating 3 meals a day and inbetween taking a RVL shake.
This will stabilise your blood sugar, meaning that any activity breathing, walking or even gym or dancing will result in fat being burned off.

Thereby restoring you six pack.

We normally run a 112 day challenge which I'd like you to consider.

Starting with a 56 day pack which includes:
 4 tubs of RVL nutritional shake powder

The cost for this is £200 and comes with a full refund guarantee in the event that you change your mind.

In addition I can offer you for no extra charge if you take the 56 day pack...

 A downloadable 52 page guide which can be printed and includes recipe ideas
 An online goal setting system
 As much (or as little) mentoring / support as you want
 A shaker - delivered by hand by yours truly

After 4 weeks we review to see if you wish to carry on beyond the 56 day challenge to the full 112 days.

If you are agreeable to this I can get you started this week and have your products to you in time for start next week.

Please let me know if you prefer to join online yourself or I can call you Thursday to take your details.

Look forward to helping you.

07767 875 550

Mark Hopgood is a MonaVie Executive Leader with skills that he is happy to share.
To your benefit
(UK) 07767 875 550
(US) 904 638 9046
skype: mark.hopgood

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