Saturday 9 April 2011

2. Getting started workbook - week 1

This information is for MonaVie distributors who are interested in growing their business.

Your sponsor will have introduced you to the MonaVie international business building toolkit.

The best way to get your business started is to get in a habit of activities that done daily, weekly and monthly will keep your business growing.

Here's the next steps.

In your diary or phone alarm, put a note.

Every week:
watch the 20 years video
tune in to the MonaVie weekly webcast

Every day:
build your list
invite people to take a look at the opportunity

Now for the getting started workbook:
The main focus on going through the workbook is to take each step and treat them with respect. If you do each step, then there is a greater chance of your team doing the same. Put another way, if you don't do each step, there's little chance that your team will do the same.

Go through step 1, 2 and 3 in the getting started workbook
The getting started workbook is available at
Scroll down and find the getting started workbook.
There's also an audio CD - follow each step.

Good luck and your sponsor will be in touch to see how you are getting on.
Mark N Hopgood:
Skype: mark.hopgood
UK: 07767 875 550
USA: 904 638 9046

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